Monday, January 31, 2011


Hey guys I’m back again (: I just came home from a sleepover with the girls. NOW that normally means eating lots and lots and LOTS of food. Here is what I do to try and avoid all that.
I eat everything they eat, and even ask for more foods; except I don’t eat a lot of what is given to me. Small bites all the time will make it appear as if I am eating more and more.
Ask for a hot drink, it curbs your appetite.
Divide a one serving food into 4 meals.
Hard candies, suck on some of those.
Focus on every bite you take.  
You can’t raid the fridge. That would be rude. Remember to always be polite.
Black or dark blue makes you less hungry. Just fyi.
If you can chew, savor, and spit out.
And when it’s all time to get dressed down for the night and they are loud and noisy, throw it all back up.
Well that how I survive a sleepover. How about you guys? Any help?
Thing i like about my body: My hair...?